Finals season is “finally” upon us, and with it comes long nights at the library, busy days prepping for presentations, papers, and final essays, and little to no time to enjoy free time. When you’re studying for exams, and during the day of finals, the worst feeling is getting hungry and not having a snack ready to go. Especially if you don’t have a snack that will not only fill you up for the time of the final but also keep you energized throughout it. I’m sure your parents made sure you had protein bars and fruit with you in high school during finals week, and they knew what they were talking about. It really is so important to have energizing and filling snacks for those all-nighter study sessions, as well as for a quick break in between exams. So, we’ve gathered a list of our favorite snacks to pack with us during finals, and highly recommend you bring these with you, too. 

1. Apples and peanut butter

This is by far my favorite snack to bring with me for a quick bite between final exams — it's quick, delicious, and will fill you up for a while. Eating a fresh fruit like an apple will make you feel refreshed and energized, while the peanut butter is tasty and will keep you full for a long time. I love bringing the Justin's Squeeze Pack Classic Almond Butter packets with me to school — they’re the perfect size, and absolutely delicious. This brand has a lot of different flavors, so if you want something sweeter, or with a hint of chocolate, Justin’s Squeeze has you covered. A packet of peanut butter and an apple not only fits in any bag, but you can also pull it out easily and eat it quickly between finals. Pro tip: squeeze a little bit of lemon onto the apple slices before packing them to keep them fresh!

2. Granola or protein bars

Any sort of bar is a great option to pack with you during finals — they’re easy to pack, fill you up, and aren’t a messy snack you have to clean up after. You can eat it on the way to your next final, which makes it a super quick snack. I personally love packing Kind bars with me, as they are super filling and taste amazing. They have different kinds of bars, but I love their Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt bar. One of these with a side of some fruit is chef's kiss.

3. Hummus and Vegetables 

Hummus and veggies is a healthy combo snack to pack and will fill you up for your next final. This one is a little messier, but if you have a longer amount of time to eat in between exams, I recommend packing this. There are so many pre-packaged hummus snacks at Target or you can buy a big tub and scoop some into a small container. If you want hummus with crackers, I love the Sabra Classic Hummus Snacker With Pretzels.

4. Yogurt 

If you love sweets like me and want something you can eat fairly quickly, then definitely pack yogurt. Yogurt will satisfy all of your finals cravings, and keep you filled up for a while. Add some refreshing toppings to create a mini yogurt bowl like blueberries, granola, or nuts, for an extra boost of energy. Plus, with some toppings, it will definitely fill you up a little more. Any yogurt will do the trick, just make sure it’s one you enjoy, and don’t forget to pack a spoon with you.

5. String cheese sticks 

This might sound like it won’t fill you up, but I promise there’s nothing like a good string mozzarella stick for finals week. After an exam, if you’re ravenous and pull out a cheese stick to devour, I swear it’s like magic how it will fill you up and make you feel better instantly. Now, it’s not going to keep you full for as long as some of the other snacks, but it’s a great option if you want a more savory snack, that’s not messy, quick, and easy. I would pair this with some crackers to fill you up more and satisfy your hunger. 

6. Berries and granola

If you love a refreshing sweet snack, this is the perfect one to pack. Before leaving in the morning, pack your favorite berries, like blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and/or raspberries, along with some granola or nuts, and you have the perfect refreshing snack. This will help you feel more energetic and refreshed while satisfying that sweet tooth. It won’t keep you very full for very long though, so make sure to bring something else with you if you know you have a long day of exams ahead of you. The Purely Elizabeth Original Granola is my favorite to snack on with some berries.

7. Turkey Sandwich

Packing a quick sandwich for finals is a power move, IMO. Just throw some turkey, cheese, and maybe some lettuce and mayo onto your favorite bread, pack it into a baggie, and you’re ready to go. This, again, will keep you full and energized for your finals, and it’s so easy to make! Plus, it takes less than five minutes to eat or can be something you munch on while walking to your next class or final. There are so many different kinds of sandwiches you can make if turkey isn’t your thing. A classic peanut butter and jelly will never do you wrong either, it’ll keep you full and ready to go.

8. Chips and guacamole 

Guacamole will keep you full and satisfy all of your hunger in a quick minute. Avocados are a great source of healthy fats and carbohydrates and mashed up with some lime juice and seasonings, it will keep you full for a long time. You could eat the guacamole with chips or veggies, either will be a great munch during finals. If you need a little kick to wake you up, add a lot of jalapeño to your guac, it’ll wake you — and your taste buds — right up!

As the semester is finishing up, all the luck to you on your finals.